Who's Your Daddy? | Who's the Pitcher? | I Prefer to Catch! | Hobbies and Majors | Superlatives |
Who is Ms. Laura
Sperm Donor
Who is Ms. Camden
Gave secret buddy gifts to Aaron
Who is Ms. Laura
Received secret buddy gifts from Nick
Who are Ms. Laura, Mr. Nick and Ms. Hope
The only three staff members who majored in something in Education
Who is Mr. Nick
Most likely to ride or die
Who is Ms. Susanna
Knows 10 languages, kickboxing, and grew up in South Korea
Who is Ms. Magen
Gave secret buddy gifts to Kareese
Who is Mr. Nate
Received secret buddy gifts from Ethan
Who is Ms. Magen
Switched their major 6 times
Who is Mr. Nate
Most likely to get arrested for public indecency
Who is Mr. Aaron
Has 10 kids
Who is Ms. Hope
Gave secret buddy gifts to Alison
Who is Mr. Ethan
Received secret buddy gifts from Krissy
Who are Ms. Camden, Ms. Susanna, Ms. Laura, Mr. Nick and Mr. Nate
These four staff members were most vocal about their passion for music
Who is Mr. Aaron and Ms. Susanna
2 most likely to be caught naked, drunk and passed out in front of a child's playground (guy and girl)
Who is Ms. Camden
Works in Urban re-development in Pittsburg
Who is Ms. Laura
Gave secret buddy gifts to Charles
Who is Ms. Camden
Received secret buddy gifts from Nandi
Who are Ms. Hope and Mr. Nick <3
Two of these staff members have a notable obsession with documentaries
Who is Ms. Hope and Mr. Aaron
Most likely to embark in a walk of shame together after a Staff Turn Up
Who is Ms. Hope
Went to Antioch College and University of Delaware, and loves puppies
Who is Mr. Nate
Gave secret buddy gifts to Hope
Who is Nandi Nandi
Received secret buddy gifts from Susanna
Who are Ms. Kareese and Ms. Susanna
The two Policy Studies majors on our staff
Who is Ms. Magen
Most likely to STILL create interracial babies!