Music | Foods | Hobby’s | Places | Anything else |
What is physical
Miwa’s favorite song by dua lipa
What is sushi
Miwa’s favorite food
What is reading books
Brians favorite hobby
What is timberline lodge
Miwa’s favorite place
What is homework
What Miwa hates
What is every time I cry
Miwa’s favorite song by Ava max
What is purina fancy feast seafood
Shiso’s favorite food company + type
What is snowboarding
Miwa’s favorite hobby
What is japan
Brian’s favorite place
What is him meowing
What brings out shiso’s personality
What is torn
Brian’s favorite song by Ava max
What is grilled cheese
Brian’s favorite food
What is eating
Shiso’s favorite hobby
What is Kobe
Kumiko’s home town
What is wolves
Miwa’s favorite animal
What is radioactive
Miwa’s favorite song by imagine dragons
Hagendaas (spelling wrong!)
Kumiko’s favorite ice cream
What is pizza night
Family’s favorite hobby
What is next to the feeder
Shiso’s favorite place
What is cat
Brian’s favorite animal
What is misty
Kumiko’s favorite song (that I play on piano)
What is cherry Garcia
Brian’s favorite Ben+Jerry’s
What is homework
Miwa’s least favorite hobby
What is school
Miwa’s least favorite place
What is dog
Kumiko’s favorite PET