Defined | Statistics | Types | Myths | Legalities & School Policies |
3—Subtle, Harassment, and Violent
How many categories can hazing be divided into?
Fill in the blank: __% of students in clubs, teams, and organizations experience hazing.
Public Nudity—Subtle, Harassment, or Violent
Hazing is a problem for fraternities and sororities primarily.
Can an institution be held liable if it has prior knowledge of a hazardous condition and does not protect students from that condition?
Physical, emotional, or psychological
Fill in the blank: Hazing is considered to be any action or situation created that is harmful to an individual’s ______, ______, or ______ health.
Out of all the recorded hazing, pledging, or rush-related deaths in Greek organizations, what percentage of these are related to alcohol?
Implied threats—Subtle, Harassment, or Violent
9/10 students who have experienced hazing behavior in college do not consider themselves to have been hazed.
Yes—it is classified as a Class 2 misdemeanor and is punishable by 60 days in jail.
Can an individual or organization be punished for any type of hazing practice?
Is it still considered hazing if a pledge is willing to engage to participate in the activity?
What percentage of students talk to college staff or faculty about their hazing experience?
Name calling—Subtle, Harassment, or Violent
False—over 100, the majority being males.
63 hazing-related deaths have been recorded since 2012.
Expulsion or revocation of the student’s degree.
What is the highest degree of punishment that an individual can receive from the university if found “guilty” of hazing practices? (2 answers)
Singing or chanting in public by oneself or with select others that is not related to an event.
What is one of the most frequently reported hazing behavior of experiences from Greek organizations?
In what percentage of cases where students identify their experience as hazing did they NOT report the events to campus officials?
Expecting new members to perform personal services to members, like errands, carrying books, etc.—Subtle, Harassment, or Violent
Hazing is often viewed as a rite of passage and something that makes pledges better members of the organization.
No—Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wyoming do not have an anti-hazing law.
Do all states have an anti-hazing law?
1850—It began as a tradition in universities, though it was thought to have arisen from the behavior of the 19th century “cowboy”.
When did hazing become an initiation practice in America?—1700, 1850, 1915, 1980.
40%, 20%
How many students are aware of hazing that take place on their campus? How many have seen hazing occur?
Socially isolating new members—Subtle, Harassment, or Violent
The most important thing people can do to help reduce the occurrence of hazing is to drop out of the organization.
No—hazing legislation has had to be passed in several other countries, like France and the Philippines.
Is hazing an issue restricted to the United States?