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Who is Theodore Herzl?
The founder of modern Zionism
What is Barbie?
What popular item that we learned about was invented by a Jew?
What is the First Aliyah?
This wave of immigrants came to Israel to escape the pogroms in Russia.
What is Britain?
The country that was in charge of Palestine after World War I
What is a pogrom?
Act of violence committed against Jews in Russia
Who is a czar?
The name for a king in Russia
What is Ellis Island?
What is the name of the port that many Jews passed through when immigrating to America?
What is the Second Aliyah?
During ____, Jews worked the land of Israel and created kibbutzim.
What is a Kibbutz?
A socialist farming community
What is emancipation?
This word means getting rights and becoming a free citizen
Who is Eliezer ben-Yehuda?
The man who modernized Hebrew
What is .5%?
According to the documentary we watched, about what percentage of the world population are Jews?
What is the Partition Plan?
Divide Palestine half for Jews, half for Palestinians, with Jerusalem as an international city
What is France?
The country where Jews were first emancipated
What is “going up?” AND What is “immigrating to Israel” AND what is “going up to the Torah”
The 3 meanings of the word “aliyah” are:
Who is Alfred Dreyfus?
The man who was wrongly accused of treason (betraying his army) because he was a Jew
What are son of or daughter of?
What's the most common meaning behind Jewish last names?
What is World War I?
The League of Nations was created in response to this event, so that it would never happen again.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
The empire that had power over the land of Israel prior to World War I
What is socialism?
The belief that everyone should work based on their ability and receive based on their need
Who is David ben-Gurion?
The first Prime Minister of Israel
What are Bereshit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim?
Name the five books of the Torah, in order.
What is the Balfour Declaration?
The document issued by the British stating their support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
What is New York?
The place where the UN vote on the Partition Plan took place
What is Aliyah Bet?
When Jews continued to move to Israel even while the British had made it illegal, it was called: