Holidays | Hebrew | Israel | Mitzvot | Misc |
Which holiday is celebrated for 8 days because a small amount of oil lit the temple for 8 days?
What is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet?
Star of David
Which symbol is in the middle of the Israeli flag?
(lots of correct answers)
Name a mitzvah that you can do during religious school class
Nun, Gimmel, Hey, and Shin
What 4 letters are on the dreidle?
Which holiday celebrates our escape from slavery in Egypt?
Which Hebrew word means to jump?
Yom Haatzmaut
Which holiday celebrates the birthday/independence of Israel?
Visiting the sick
When someone is not feeling well we can help them through Bikkur Holim. What does Bikkur Holim mean?
Lighting the candles
What is the first step/prayer to celebrating shabbat?
Which holiday celebrates Esther and Mordechai saving the Jewish people of Shushan from Haman?
How do you say "to sit" in Hebrew?
Tel Aviv
Which city in Israel is big and compared to the New York city of Israel?
Tikkun olam means repairing the ______
A feather quill
When writing the letters of the Torah what tool is dipped in ink?
Simchat Torah
Which holiday celebrates receiving the torah?
Rikud / Lirkod
What is the word to dance in Hebrew?
South Israel
Is the desert found in North or South Israel?
Chesed is the Jewish value of loving ________.
Made in the image of G/D
What does Betzelem Elohim mean?
Tu' B Shvat
Which holiday celebrates the trees?
Cahol- Blue
Tzahov- Yellow Adom- Red Yarok- Green
Name one of the colors we learned in Hebrew
b. 72
How old is Israel turning?
a. 40 b. 72 c. 100 d. 65 |
c. 613
How many Mitzvot are in the torah?
a. 300 b. 105 c. 613 d. 10 |
The Shema
What is the most important prayer? (Hint: we cover our eyes)