King Piye's Family | Who was King Piye | Important Facts | WHY DID PIYE CONQUER EGYPT? | Other Questions |
King Piye had two wives, TRUE OR FALSE
THE 25th Dynasty
In which dynasty was Piye a king?
Piye was a bad ruler at one point, TRUE OR FALSE
What was the name of the city-state Tefnakht ruled in?
What was/is Kush also known as?
How many wives did Piye actually have?
A dynasty is a time period in which one generation rules. A new dynasty starts when a new family line starts ruling.
What is a dynasty?
Who was the prince of Sais?
A prince of a city state called Sais
Explain who was Tefnakht
25th dynasty
Which dynasty was he king in?
Piye's father was a king too, TRUE OR FALSE
Piye invaded Egypt successfully.
What did Piye do that was successful?
Conquered and invaded Egypt
What was the main thing King Piye did?
Tefnakht conquered other areas of Egypt
Explain what Tefnakht did before Piye conquered Egypt?
Piye's father was a king too, true or false
Shebitqo Taharqa Har Khaliut
Name one of Piye's sons
Piye became ruler in 324 BCE TRUE OR FALSE
It was small
Describe the pyramid Piye was buried in, in one word.
city states
In that time, what was Egypt divided into?
A new dynasty starts when a new family line starts ruling, true or false
Qalhata Tabakenamun Naparaye Takahatamun Shepenwepet II
Name two of Piye's daughter
747 BCE.
What time period did Piye become ruler?
El Kurru 17
What was the pyramid he was buried in called?
Tefnakht went around conquering other areas of Egypt, but when Piye heard Tefnakht was going to conquer Egypt, he took action
Explain why Piye conquered Egypt?
Egypt was divided into areas called city states
What was a city state?