Terminology | Contacts | Insurance |
Opening in the center of the Iris
What is a pupil?
1 month
How long can I wear Air Optix Aqua Contacts?
With a medical diagnosis. (We can always find one)
Does Medical insurance pay for an eye exam?
Measures the thickness of the cornea
What is Pachymetry?
How often should I change my daily contacts?
Frame = every 2 years
Lenses = every year Some insurances pay a dollar amount instead.
How often does vision insurance cover glasses?
Progressive (No Line) Addition Lens
What is a PAL?
The curvature of the contacts
What is Base Curve?
What is the diagnosis code for routine vision without any complications?
Posterior Vitreous Detachment
What is a PVD?
We don't recommend it. Air Optix Night & Day is approved for it.
Can I sleep in my contacts?
Every 6 months
How often does Medicare cover a comprehensive eye exam?
Warm Compresses - Applied heat
Lid Massages - Massaging (Pushing) along the lashes Lid Scrubs - Mild, soapy mixture to wash along lashes
What is lid hygiene? (explain)
$31 for Established patient
$61 for New patients that have worn contacts before $81 for New contact lens wearers
How much is the contact lens portion of the eye exam?
Every year!
How often do we need to update the scanned insurance card in the computer?