Past Events - Name that KBING Future Events Fun Facts Chair Members Past Events - Name that Event
What is Disabilities KBING
This KBING hosted a Speaker Series focused on Mental Health to educate and ensure cultural awareness.
What is KWKC
This local KBING was home grown in the OP office because no one in the office met the job grade qualifications for the corporate-level KBING.
What is Hispanic Latinx KBING
This KBING's leader is incredibly passionate about the work this KBING does and shares this passion with the LSAM community even though this individual is not technically in the LSAM line of business
What is 16 Personalities
KWKC hosted this 2 hour training event offering employees a way to not only determine what their personality is, but also hands on group activities to learn how to work with like or differing personalities throughout the office.
What is Hispanic Latinx KBING
This KBING annually awards a $1,500 scholarship to a college senior attending the University of Missouri and has done so for the last 4 years.
What is Disabilities KBING
This KBING is in the process of making Banking Products for PWD’s and becoming more Accessible to the consumer, as well as providing more education and awareness for employees.
What is Hispanic Latinx
The fastest growing ethnic segment in the country, which equates to opportunities for new clients and diverse talent!
What is School Supply Drive
Asian KBING hosted and annual drive to collect donations for 3 local charities. The types of items donated were notebooks, pencils, pens, etc.
What is Asian KBING
This KBING will be hosting a sampling of different foods from countries like Japan, Vietnam, Philippines
What is Community Outreach
Recently appointed a passionate and dedicated subcommittee member as president
What is Noah's Bandage Project
Fundraiser event that involved monetary donations, bandages, and a 5K. Fundraiser benefits children's cancer research
What is Disabilities KBING
This KBING Town Hall hosted Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to educate and provide awareness for PWD’s and caregivers.
What is 3 (Sa-m/San)
The number that is the same in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese
What is Asian KBING
This OP KBING recently appointed a new president who has quickly hit the ground running with putting together a budget, meeting with local chambers of commerce, is looking to cross-pollinate with other KBINGs
What is Empowerment Day
KWKC hosted this 2.5 hour training event offered employees tips and tricks from some great speakers on some of the Leadership Skills that were rated lowest in confidence among the office.
What is KWKC
This KBING is kicking off their 2022 Mentoring program in the first quarter and be a 9 month program integrating changes and new ideas from the feedback given from previous sessions.
What is Community Outreach
It’s the oldest committee/KBING in the Overland Park/Dallas office.
What is Disabilities KBING
This OP KBING is led by an on-call employee who is incredibly passionate about the topic and it hits close to home
What is Business Etiquette in Asian Cultures
Asian KBING hosted an event teaching different customs found within the business settings of 5 regions of Asia

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