Founders | Kappa Programs | Kappa Symbols | Kappa First's and Essentials | Miscellaneous Kappa Facts |
What is Mary Louise Bennett Boyd
First listed member
What is Reading is Fundamental (RIF)
National Philanthropy
What is the Badge
Worn by initiated members.
What is the Key
First published magazine published by a women's fraternity.
What is Julie Leshay
Fraternity National President
What is Mary Moore Stewart
Kappa's first President
What is Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation
Offers financial assistance in the form of scholarships and grants
What is the owl
Symbol of wisdom.
What is October 13, 1870
The date Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded.
What is Alpha
The Providence that Zeta Chi is apart of.
What is Martha Louise Stevenson
Kappa's first social chair
What is Rose McGill Fund
Gives aid for those Kappas in financial need due to misfortune or illness.
What is the new member pin
Symbolizes friendship, leadership and scholarship.
What is Monmouth College
The college that Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded.
What is district 1
The district we are apart of.
What is Anna Elizabeth Wilits
Her badge is the only one in existence.
What is Insight
Program to increase awareness of domestic violence.
What is the Fleur de lis
Represents dignity, stateliness, grace.
What is November 20, 1993
The date that the chapter Zeta Chi was founded.
What is Kappa Kappa Gamma is an organization of women, which seeks for every member throughout her life bonds of friendship, mutual support, opportunities for self growth, respect for intellectual development, and an understanding of and allegiance to pos
The Mission Statement
What is Hannah Jeanette Boyd
Kappa's first scribe
What is Self-Esteem for Every Kappa
A program that helps Kappas develop high self-esteem, self-worth and belonging levels.
What is the sapphire.
Symbolizes truth, sincerity and constancy.
What is: P.O Box 38
530 East Town St. Columbus, Ohio 43216
The address of headquarters.
What is when the founders wore gold keys in their hair when they went to church.
What event signified the beginning and establishment of Kappa Kappa Gamma.