What is Bachelor of Commerce?
What degree did kajil finish Uni with?
what is Kajils favorite color?
What is Kajils Terrace?
Where did Ali propose?
What is Boston Celtics
who was Kajils Favorite NBA team in highschool
What is Birds
Kajils biggest fear (animals)
What is Escoffery?
Who was Kajils Basketball Coach?
What is baby by justin beiber?
What hit song debut kajils music video
What is Montreal?
Kajil & Alis first road trip?
who is Lebron James
Who was Kajils favorite player in Highschool
What is Virgo
what is kajils Zodiac sign?
What is Niagara Falls?
Where was Kajil and Alis first field trip?
What is cheese?
what dairy food could be described as kajils weekness
What is armadale park?
location of Kajil and Alis first encounter?
What is 3?
How many basketball games has Kajil gone to?
What is Lisas
where did Ali and Kajil work together?
What is purple?
What was the color of Kajils first highschool whip
What is H1N1?
this "Viral" couples costume worn by Kajil and Monica
What is the boxgrove plaza?
Where was the location when Ali & Kajil got into a car accident?
What is CP3?
What Basketball shoes did Manav gift Kajil in highschool
what is feet?
What is Kajils least favorite body part
What is Universal studios?
Where did Kajil go fore "Take your kids to work day" in grade 9.
What is mandoline?
the kitchen gadget that sent Kajil to the emergency room on her first use
What is Bucks?
During Ali and kajils first raptors game(in playoffs), who were the raptors facing?
Who is Mr. Saleh?
Who was her basketball class teacher in grade 12?
What is Ms Lada
Who was Ali and Kajils most memorable english teacher