Multiplication | adding fractions and some simplifying | Story Problems! | Time elapse | Division |
1,000 x 950
8/24 + 3/6
221 students
Jean has 199 students in her class. One day 75 more students joined hr class.Then the next day after that 53 people left how many people are in her class?
7 hours and 30 minutes
Jenny went to school at 8:30. If she left school at 4:00 how long was she at school for?
13 r.5
122 divided buy 9
1,000 x 9,000
4/15 + 3/5
211 kids
Jessica has opened a daycare. She has 3 babies, 10 3rd graders,99 people in kindergarten, and 99 1 graders.How much kids are at her daycare?
8 hours and 30 minutes
Sara ate lunch at 4:00, then went to bed at 12:30. How much time passed buy?
50 r.5
355 divided buy 7
3,000 x 950
9/64 + 4/8
1,000 motorcycles
Jenny has 1,000 motorcycles. If she sells 950 motorcycles, and buys 950 more, how many motorcycles does she have?
10 hours and 30 minutes
Lindsey started started school at 6:30, and she ate her supper at 5:00. How much time went buy?
66 r.1
595 divided buy 9
900 x 7,000
9/72 + 2/8
39 pigtails
Leslie has 14 pigtails, she puts 100 more pigtails in then then takes 75 out. How many pigtails does she have?
8 hours
Ms.Brenna left school at 4:00 she woke up at 12:00. How much time went buy?
87 r.2
185 divided buy 9
10,000 x 9,550
9/99 + 8/11
384 headbands
Allison has 19 headbands. If she buys 365 more headbands, how many headbands does she have?
7 hours
Mrs.Kragness ate Dark Chocolate at 5:00, if she went to bed at 12:00, how much time went buy?
999 divided buy 11