The History of Isreal | The Life and Times of Jesus Christ | Music and Lyrics | Scripture Me This | The Name Game |
What is the Golden Calf?
After a long trek up Mount Horeb, Moses returns to find this in the middle of the camp of Isreal.
What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?
In order to teach a valuable lesson about neighbourly hospitality, Jesus related this parable in Luke 10.
What is song 118 Give Us More Faith
And as a shield, our faith provides a refuge. We face the future firm and unafraid.
What is 1Peter 5:7
While you throw all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Who are Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah
These three young men were taken into captivity with Daniel. Later, they had their names changed.
What are almonds and flowers?
To symbolize the priesthood belonging to the house of Levi, these sprouted on Aaron's rod.
What is a fisherman?
Simon Peter did this profession before he became a follower of Christ.
What is song 96 God's Own Book - A Treasure
Its wonderous thoughts are charged with such great power; it brings life to the "dead", sight to the "blind".
What is John 3:16
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son,so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.
Who is Nimrod
This man known for being a hunter of animals and men was also into large architecture.
What is the book of the law?
This scroll was copied by all the kings of Isreal to remind them of Jehovah's commands.
What is locusts and honey?
John the Baptizer ate this in the Wilderness of Judea when he began his ministry in 29 C.E.
What is song 83 From House to House
At least we'll name Jehovah's name, his glorious truth declare.
What is Hebrews 11:6
Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.
Who is Zilpah
She was the maid-servant to Leah and bore Jacob two sons.
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
This holy chest contained the 10 commandments and was guarded by cherubs.
What is "Look! Jehovah's slave girl!"
Mary exclaimed this when Gabriel told her about what Jehovah had planned for her.
What is song 131 What God Has Yoked Together
They both have searched God's Word, to learn to do his will.
What is Philippians 4:13
For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.
Who is Balaam
He was given a real shock when his beast of burden began speaking to him.
What is the Festival of Booths?
This agricultural festival was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for all the blessings Jehovah had given Isreal in the fruitage of all their crops.
Who is Thomas?
This apostle doubted the resurrection of Jesus until he saw it with his own eyes.
What is song 95 The Light Gets Brighter
How great is the favor of learning such things; into these even angels would peer.
What is Romans 6:23
For the wages sin pays is death,but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.
Who is King Jehoshaphat
This king thought it was a good idea to put singers in front of his soldiers. He was blessed for it.