Fatal 5 | PBSP | Document It! | True and/or False | Bit of this & that |
What Risks are the Fatal 5?
Aspiration, Constipation, Dehydration, Seizures,Suicide, and/or Diabetes
What does PBSP stand for?
Positive Behavior Support plan
Where do we document a single purchase of more than $50?
Personal Property Records
At what point does Kurt need a PRN for bowel care?
Day 3
(additional point if you can tell me what is) |
What all needs to be document if physical position is needed to maintain safety? (Blake)
GER, what it looked like, and how long it was used for
Where do you find Gaurdian/HCR phone numbers?
Individual Data/Emergency notifications page/ Emergency phone #'s
How many steps/days does Shannon have for PRN bowel care for no BM?
There is 4 steps and 6 days if no BM
(additional 2 points if you can tell me what happens on day 6 of no BM and if you can tell me what her PRN bowel care is) |
Which of the following requires a GER: Physical aggression, Vehicle safety, self injury, extreme food seeking, disrobing, incontinence
All depending on situation!
Tell me how to request time off and who is Responsible for ensuring this is approved?
Is Blake at risk for dehydration?
Yes, we track missed fluids/meals in t-logs
What does BDT stand for?
How often do we use it?
Behavior Data tracking
Once per shift |
How do you document injury for one of the guys? (bruise vs cut)
T-log indicating injury then...
Bruise: skin and wound tracking sheet Cut: PRN antibiotic ointment |
Who should be notified if someone is Hospitalized?
County case manager
STC/ On call AD/ Admin on call Joanne Marie (Blake), Nancy (Kurt), Kay and Greg Graven (Shannon) |
List some positive supports from the PBSP
Answers will vary
What needs to be included in tapestry documentation?
Answers may vary?