Such a Hazard | I Knew It!! | Being Safety and Sound | Let' Stay Healthy | Put That Fire Out |
What are the three points to remember when reporting an emergency?
Who, What and Where
Which president signed the SAFETEA-LU into law?
George W. Bush
What is the regulations for CB use when "sharing the airwaves"?
Maximum limit of 5 minutes talking and 1 minute of silence
What does R.I.C.E. mean?
Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate
What is using a Class A Fire Extinguisher?
Wood, cloth or paper fires
Who approves the drivers background check for a hazmat endorsement?
National Response Center
What is the number of state and federal roadside inspection of drivers and CMV's done in 2012?
3.45 million
What is the rule of thumb to judge safe speed for a ramp?
10 mph below the posted speed limit
What is amount of blood loss in pints could be serious or fatal?
What is using a Class C Fire Extinguisher?
Electrical Fires
What creates a liquid surge?
Sudden Turning Movements
When do cargo thefts most likely occur?
Holidays and Weekends
When is a professional driver most likely to become drowsy?
12 am to 6 am
What are different ways to transport seriously injured people?
On a stretcher, on a backboard or lying face up
What is using a Class B Fire Extinguisher?
Flammable Liquid and Gases Fires
What liquid has a higher flash point?
Combustible Liquid
What the average speed of trucks compared to automobiles (a 2007 study)?
2 to 5 mph slower
What are name the 2 BASIC's that are NOT for public view?
Hazardous Materials Compliance and Crash Indicator
What is a severe allergic reaction that can cause breathing difficulties?
What is the phrase used to remember how to use a fire extinguisher?
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
What is the daily fine for not reporting a hazmat spill into a waterway?
Which law established the interstate highway system?
Federal Highway-Aid Act
What is the types of drug and alcohol tests a driver is subject to?
Post accident, random, reasonable suspicion, follow up and return to duty.
What is the number of back injuries workers suffer each year?
What is using a Class D Fire Extinguisher?
Combustible Metal Fires