Drama | Shakespeare | Characters | Plot | Setting |
What is the Globe Theater
The name of the famous venue in England where Julius Caesar and other famous Shakespeare plays were performed
What is 1564
The year Shakespeare was born
Who is Portia
This is Brutus wifey
What is Act I?
This Act includes the exposition of characters, setting, and conflict
What is 1st Century (45 B.C.)
The century and year of the play
What is Round
This is the geometric shape of the famous theater in England
What is 1616
The year Shakespeare died
Who is Calpurnia (his wifey)
This woman fears for Caesar's safety
What is the ghost of Caesar?
This character makes a surprise visit to Brutus
What is Rome
The city in which the play is set
What is young boys
Women were not allowed to perform on stage so these individuals played their roles
What is Judith and Hamnet
The names of Williams' twins
What is the soothsayer
The person is a fortune teller and states "beware the ides of March"
What is Act III?
The act in which Caesar is killed
What is the Capitol
The place where Caesar is murdered
What is daylight
Before there was electricity, all plays were performed when?
What is Ann Hathaway
The wife of William
Who is Antony
This man delivers a monologue and read the will of Caesar to the countrymen
What is a triumvirate?
This is what Shakespeare calls a group of three men equally in charge
What is the tent at camp
The place where Brutus and Cassius quarrel
What is groundling
The commoners who were forced to stand instead of be seated during performances were called this
The language that Williams studied as a young man
Who is Brutus
In the end, this person is the tragic hero
Who is Antony?
This orator delivers a final speech outlining how Brutus actually was the "noblest Roman of them all"
What is Phillipi
The place of the final battlefield