Early life | Drunk Juliette | Dogs | College Life | Res Life |
What is June 27th, 2000
Juliette was born on this day
What is a hay bale
In 2019, Juliette left this item in the South elevator
What is Max, Ruby, and Coco
The names of Juliette's dogs
Who are Natalie, Sam, and Mikaela
In 2018, Juliette met these three people and they became her best friends
What is Programmer of the Year
The name of the award Juliette won at the end of 2020-2021 year
What is 2
The number of Juliette's siblings
What is rum and coke
The first drink Juliette orders when she goes out
What is Coco
The name of Juliette's favorite dog
What is Psychology
Juliette declared this as her major
What is two
Juliette has been on the staff of the year this many times
What is Guatemala
Juliette's brother was adopted from this country
What is Mike's Hard Lemonade
Juliette got drunk of this drink for the first time in 2018
What is a unicorn
Coco wore this costume on Halloween in 2021
What is Gates Hall
Juliette lived in this building her first year of college
What is McKeen/Gates
Juliette's first staff as an RA
What is volleyball and softball
The two sports Juliette played in high school
What is 0
Juliette has thrown up from drinking this many times
What is Cody and Buddy
Juliette lost two dogs when she was young. Their names were
What is Professor Shaw
Juliette's favorite professor goes by
What is McKeen
The name of the building Juliette was first an RA
What is 17
The number of Emmy Awards Juliette's parents won
What is toast
Juliette's favorite drunk food
What is eaten by a hawk
Juliette's youngest dog died by
What is Waka Blocka
Juliette's friends named their friend group this name
What is Rubin Hall
In 2019, Juliette turned down the RA position in this residence hall