Le Julie | Revent-ing | Holy Events Batman! | Zoom and its delicious features | BNI Favorites? |
What is Paris
This is Julie's Home Town
What is a sizzle?
This is the name of a short video to use on social media or on a website
What is a hybrid event?
This event type is when you have virtual and an in person component
What is Microsoft Teams?
This is Zoom's largest competitor
Who is Emma?
This member loved reminding everyone the days left in leadership
What is 3
This is how many sisters Julie has
trick question! no difference!
This is the difference between a webcast and a broadcast
What is a camera?
This piece of audio visual equipment is a must have to do a hybrid event
What is Free!
This is Zoom's starting at monthly price
Who is Maud or Youssef?
These other member also speak French?
Who are Chloe and Rose
These are the names of Julie's children
What is 3?
This is the number of owners of Revent
What is a wedding planner?
Julie only did this type of event planning for 6 months
What is Youtube or Facebook?
You can use Zoom to stream to these social media platforms
Who is Chris Shep?
This members physical safety is something we worry about during meetings
What is 4
This is the number of countries Julie has lived
What is live streaming to social media of your podcast recording?
This is a new trend in podcasting
What is a virtual event?
VE is an acronym for this
What is Zoom Webinar?
This Zoom solution allows few to speak to many (vs many talking to many)?
What is "Debbie Seigel, member of Vivek's Membership Committee"
This is the phrase Debbie uses when introducing herself at the start of the meeting
Who is Steve
This is the name of Julie's Sourdough Starter
When is 2019?
This is the year Revent was founded
What is a computer?
This item should never placed on a table to run a hybrid event
Who is the founder of Zoom?
Eric Yuan is founder of what platform
These two people are BNI MVPs this month