Foods the River Otter Eats | Habitat | Features of the River Otter | Babies |
What is the area where the river otter finds it food?
What is river beds, lakes, and ponds.
Do they live in Mexico?
What is no.
Is the adult River Otter 3.5 ft, 6ft, or 1ft?
What is 3.5 ft.
Do otters eat large invertebrate, true or false?
What is false.
Is it rare to see River Otters far from the water?
What is yes.
Are the feet webbed or not?
What is webbed.
What is the otters main diet, fish, small mammals, or birds?
What is fish.
Can they live in marine and freshwater, true or false?
What is true.
Is the fur on the River Otter long or short?
What is short.
Are river otters able to get the meat in crayfish and mussels?
What is yes.
Do they live in bank dens, empty beaver lodges, or both?
What is both.
Do they have long legs?
What is yes.
When do they hunt for their food?
What is night.
Do they live around humans?
What is yes.
Do they have whiskers?
What is yes.