Clozaril | Labs | Do I need a nurse? | Miscellaneous | Do I need a nurse? PART 2 |
What is CBC with Diff (Complete Blood Count with Differential)
When we refer to Clozaril Labs we are referring to...
What are Lithium, Tegretol, and Depakote
These Labs test levels of drugs in your system and typically done every 3 months
Nope...if bubble packed there is a blue clipboard on our nursing desk that will be initialed if they came in, and often a note if they were sent back. If pre-boxed, there is another clipboard on the nursing desk (a boring brownish one that we may need to upgrade) that will be initialed if boxed.
Neither clipboard is initialed....Do I need to find a nurse? What is....NOPE the pharmacy, ask for Venu (as annoying as I'm sure this is for him, it is 90% more likely to be handled if you do), and inquire about said medications. To make your life easier and as a kind courtesy to a pharmacy that makes magic happen for us on a daily basis...offer to drive the 1.6 miles (4 minutes) and pick them up, come on, you'll be reimbursed in a big fat mileage check of 86 cents.
My patient's medications aren't in the box and I am scheduled to deliver them. Do I need to find a nurse?
What is: I put any follow appointments in the black book if we are supporting them. I then give the appt paperwork to the nurse of the day for them to review and enter vitals and update nursing assessment accordingly. You will then get it back to scan and file
I support someone to their PCP and unsure what to do afterwards....
Nope...there is a white binder on our nursing desk that has a calendar for the next couple months as well as individual pages for each client with their medication, dosage, when they received it last, and when it is due
Someone asked me when their next IM injection is due...Do I need to ask a nurse?
What is ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count)
The main result we look for and what number we report is...
What is 12 hours prior, ideally right before next dose is due, this is when the drug level is at its lowest (trough level) to ensure the minimum amount of drug is maintained in the blood
When going for a medication level a patient should take their HS medication no later than....
What is....Nope, before leaving the office your should always check your medication box for a most recent medication list and check all meds for enough to fill the scheduled number of days. They aren't there? Call the pharmacy, ask for Venu (as annoying as I'm sure this is for him, it is 90% more likely to be handled if you do), and inquire about said medications. To make your life easier and as a kind courtesy to a pharmacy that makes magic happen for us on a daily basis...offer to drive the 1.6 miles (4 minutes) and pick them up, come on, you'll be reimbursed in a big fat mileage check of 86 cents.
I arrive at my visit to supervise medication boxing and I'm short a medication....Do I need to find a nurse?
YOU NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!! Medications and injections can change in form and effectiveness in extreme temperatures so DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN A CAR....Then we call Venu and beg him to help us replace them basically
I left a medication box in my car overnight, I went to deliver it and the Vitamin D is melted all over everything, what do I do?
Nope...the scale is not as complex of a device as some may imagine...weigh away and leave a post-it with their NAME, date, and weight on the nursing desk and we will enter it in
I brought someone in to see the doctor and they asked to be weighed...Do I need to ask a nurse?
What is the most serious risk information about clozapine treatment?
Clozapine can cause severe neutropenia, which can lead to serious infections and death. Neutropenia is a blood disorder that occurs when a certain type of white blood cells called neutrophils are not made or not enough of them are made. This makes it harder for your body to fight infections. Before you can start clozapine and during treatment, you must have regular blood tests to measure the number of neutrophils you have in your blood. This test is called absolute neutrophil count (ANC). If the number of neutrophils, or ANC, is too low, you may have to stop clozapine. Your doctor will decide if or when it is safe to restart clozapine. This is not the only serious risk associated with clozapine treatment. Talk to your doctor about the other serious risks.
What is ammonia level. This can be done at a hospital. MORE BORING SCIENCE STUFF: Ammonia can accumulate in the bloodstream leading to severe encephalopathy. Symptoms include: declined ability to reason and concentrate, memory loss, personality changes, seizures, and twitching
When drawing a Depakote level it should also include...
BINGO!! Simply set your notes of any medication changes, or write no medication changes on a post-it on our nursing desk and it makes our lives 800x easier and we will love you forever for allowing us to get out of the office on time
I facilitated a psychiatrist appointment....Do I need to find a nurse?
Yes, many specialty medications and injections need prior authorizations done. The nurses typically do the ones for Dr D and Dr T, Dr B likes to do his own. If a medication is missing when you are boxing meds, this may be the reason. Call the pharmacy and if they say a prior auth is needed, please inform the nurse of the day.
A form ended up on my desk regarding a prior authorization for Ingrezza...Do I need a nurse?
What is -Often no symptoms...only know from Lab Results
-Infection, including skin, throat, urinary tract, vaginal, pneumonia, or any other infection -Fever or chills - Sores or ulcers inside your mouth, gums, or on your skin - Wounds that take a long time to heal - Feel like you have the flu - Pain or burning while urinating - Unusual vaginal discharge or itching - Abdominal pain - Sores or pain in or around your rectal area - Feel extremely weak or tired
Symptoms of neutropenia are
What is CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
This test measures your glucose level, electrolytes and fluid balances, kidney function, and liver function...
You bet you do!! Only nurses hold the fingerprint magic of what's behind that door...Nardia awaits. But in all seriousness, yes, we all have to log every time we unlock that door and every item in it
I need to deliver a PRN that is a controlled substance locked in the medication closet....Do I need to find a nurse?
Yes, please provide the nurse of the day with the documentation and we will update their medication list.
I took someone to the PCP and there was a medication change...Do I need a nurse?
What is Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy
MORE BORING SCIENCE STUFF: Because of the risk of developing severe neutropenia, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required a special program called a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for clozapine. The purpose of the Clozapine REMS Program is to make sure that the benefits of clozapine treatment outweigh the risks.
REMS stands for...
What is Lipid Panel (FASTING)
This test measures triglycerides and cholesterol. It is used in the cardiac risk assessment to determine the risk of future cardiac related illnesses
Typically no, most appointments are perfectly fine for any team member to attend and bring back the info. But Holly generally reviews upcoming appointments with a nurse to triage whether it would be best to have a nurse attend.
My client has a medical appointment, Do I need a nurse?
Please find a mask and protect your dearly loved co-workers. They can be found in Sue's office area and on the bookshelf in the nursing office. Be kind and cover your mouth AND nose please!
I forgot my mask today and I'm in the office. What do I do?
NOPE, Sorry, this joy is saved for us. It's what we paid the big bucks for nursing school for.
I really really really really would like to see a butt today....can I please do just one injection???