Hand hygiene before and after contact with the patient and the patient's environment, and maintaining a clean environment between patients which includes cleaning equipment.
What is the most common way to prevent transmission of infections from one patient to the next?
Each piece of equipment has a sticker which shows when it was inspected by Biomedical Engineering. This is done annually.
How do you know a medical device is safe to use?
1. Viruses
2. Fungi 3. Bacteria
Name 3 classes of germs our commercial cleaners kill.
What is Universal Protocol
Performing a pre-procedure verification process, marking the procedure site, and performing a time-out is known as...
Only in an emergency.
Can oxygen be administered without an order?
Clean, non-sterile gloves must be worn when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes and contaminated medical equipment.
When are gloves worn.
Remove the device and inform your direct manager to address the situation.
What do you do if a piece of medical equipment malfunctions or fails?
1. Cavicide 1 Spray
2. Clorox Wipes 3. Dispatch
3 commercial cleaners we use are...
*Activity Level
*Respirations *Circulation (Blood Pressure) *Consciousness *Oxygen Saturation determined by pulse oximetry
List the 5 components that make up the Aldrete Score.
On intake of office visits or procedures, the patient is asked if they are here for a pain related issue. Also, after a procedure requiring sedation.
When do you assess the patients for pain?
When hands are visibly soiled, after using the toilet and before eating.
When must you wash your hands with soap and water?
We no longer have a defibrillator. We have an AED which does an automatic self-check. Staff checks the machine manually on a monthly basis.
What is your policy regarding checking the defibrillator?
1. HIV-1
2. HBV 3. HCV 4. HAV 5. H1N1 6. Herpes Simplex
Name 6 germs that our cleaners will kill.
Generally invasive procedures that require an informed consent.
Which procedures require universal protocol to be followed.
We physically separate SALAD meds.
Ex: oxyCONTIN and OXYcodone, HydroCODone and hydroMORPHone.
What does RRIA-LC do to prevent errors with SALAD drugs? List examples.
*Perform hand hygiene
*Place gown over the shoulders *Tie the neck strings so the gown overlaps *Tie the waist strings so the gown ends overlap *Put on gloves to cover the cuffs of the gown
Describe the procedure for donning precaution gown and gloves.
Medications not under direct observation of the RN are secured in closets, carts etc. Not left on counters. This includes IV's and saline flushes.
How do you ensure that meds are secure in all locations?
Betadine, Chlorhexidine, Hibiclens
During patient procedural prep, what accepted solutions are used?
Overhead page "Signal A" for assistance or call out to get assistance.
What do you do if the patient's condition begins to worsen and you need additional assistance.
Blood glucose and urine pregnancy tests
What POCT or Waived Testing do you perform at RRIA-LC?
We do not routinely care for patients with active TB. If a patient comes in to the office with an active cough they will be asked to wear a mask. They will be brought to an exam room quickly so they don't expose their illness to others in the waiting ro
What do you do if a patient is suspected of having TB?
The date of the first med to expire is noted on the outside of the cart. Staff does monthly checks of contents to check expiration dates.
How do you know that none of the meds on the crash cart have expired?
If a patient gets a cut they are more susceptible to infection andmay contaminate the sterile environment.
We use electric clippers with disposable heads.
Why are razors unacceptable for hair removal during procedure.
An adverse event is any undesirable experience associated with the use of a medical product in a patient. Contact the manager and complete an incident report. Mgmt review all reported adverse events.
What is an adverse event and how do you report this.
False - it must be taken at the same time daily as prescribed.
Xarelto can be taken any time of day as long as the patient takes it, True or False.