Patient Safety | Disaster and Fire Safety | Joint Commision Visit | Record of Care | JC MISCELLANY |
What is Name and DOB
2 Ways to Correctly Identify a Patient?
1. Fire
2. Bomb Threat 3. General Evacuation (i.e. gas leak, flooding, noxious fumes)
Name 3 emergencies which would necessitate building evacuation.
Ask to see ID and notify the manager or staff leader.
What do you do if someone comes to the window stating they are here for a Joint Commission evaluation.
Phone call after administration of procedure or new medication - alert generated by desktop flags.
How is patient care followed up on for RRIA-LC?
Anyone in our office can file the complaint on the patient behalf or the pt can contact JC directly.
How can a patient register a complaint against our company to the JC?
What is PT/INR and Platelets
What lab results are needed for a patient on Coumadin?
Front Door and Employee entrance
Where are the fire pull stations located at RRIA-LC?
When the JC follows a patient from beginning of treatment/care to the end.
What is a tracer?
Any document pertaining to the patient' medical care is scanned. Paper copy goes in the tray to be scanned, then into the shred bin after scanning has occurred.
What documents are scanned into EMR & where does the paper copy go?
An unanticipated death or permanent loss of function unrelated to a patient's illness (i.e. overdose of meds)
What is a sentinel event?
What is Universal Protocol.
Performing a pre-procedure verification process, marking the procedure site, and performing a time out is known as...
What would you do if you saw smoke coming out of an exam room?
Patient, Physician, Clinical Staff, Family
Who are some people the JC Surveyor may talk to?
Using secure passwords
How are medical records protected from unauthorized access.
An undesireable experience associated with the use of a medical product in a patient.
What is an adverse event?
Hand hygiene before and after contact with the patient and the patient's environment and maintaining a clean environment between patients.
What are the most common ways to prevent transmission of infections from one patient to the next?
Rescue/Remove the patient, sound the Alarm, Contain the fire, Extinguish the fire if safe to do so.
What does R.A.C.E. stand for?
During a survey, multiple tracers may be completed, TRUE or FALSE.
Yes, the pt can be pre-medicated and the doctor can us gadolinium to enhance.
If a patient has a contrast(dye) allergy are we able to perform a procedure?
In the yellow box on the shelf in Jen's office.
Where is the spill kit located?
1. Identifies Patient Correctly
2. Uses Medicines Safely 3. Prevent Infection 4. Prevent mistakes in surgery/procedure
What are the 4 Goals identified in National Patient Safety Goals?
Pull, Aim, Spray, Sweep
What does P.A.S.S. stand for?
60-120 minutes.
How long does each tracer typically last?
Patient Name, Procedure Site, Procedure being performed, DOB, NPO, Diabetic, Driver, CMP
Name 5 items reviewed before a pt procedure.
Power of Attorney, Living Will, Organ Donation Enrollment,
Give an example of Advance Directives.