Vocabulary | Science - Energy | Math - Using Numbers in Sports | Social Studies - Executive Branch | Months that Start with "Feb" |
If something is really big, you could say that it is _____.
Cars need gasoline. Humans and animals need _____.
What sport uses numbers to count how many pins you knock down?
Barack Obama
Who is our current president?
What is the second month of the year?
Another word for cleaning or taking care of your body. Animals do this too.
What do we build to harness energy from wind?
What sport uses numbers to count how many times you've kicked the ball in the back of the net?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was our president during the Civil War?
What month comes right after January?
A dog has puppies, a cat has kittens. These are known as ______.
Dam, Waterwheel
What do we build to harness energy from flowing or falling water?
Running, Track, Cross Country
What sport uses numbers by counting how long it takes for you to run a certain distance?
George Washington
Who was our first president?
What month comes right before March?
Not a fish, not a bird, not a lizard, not a frog...
Coal Power Plant
What do we build to harness the energy by burning rocks?
What sport uses numbers to count how many times you've thrown a ball through a high basket?
Thomas Jefferson
Which president had the same first name as your teacher?
What month rhymes with Schmebuary?
A group of geese that are not in flight can be called a _____ of geese.
Nuclear Power Plant
What do we build to harness atomic energy?
What sport uses numbers to count how many swings it took you to get a little white ball into a hole in the ground really far away?
Herbert Hoover
Who was president during part of the Great Depression?
What month starts with "Feb?"