Coach Trivia | 5th Years Only | Player Trivia | For all the marbles |
Who is Gary Fasching
This coach once changed the phrase "low pad level" to "low hip level"
Who is Starky
This player looks like Fregley from a Diary of a Wimpy Kid found the weight room
Who is Josh "Potato Oles" Sletta
This player got fired from Taco John's for being too sunburnt
Who is Jerry Haugen
This coach went to school at St. John's before cell phones were invented and during the Vietnam war
Who is Mike WOZ
This player refuses to wear a shirt at Sal's and can rip the splits at a moments notice
Who is Nick "Story time" VanErp
This player brings up his hometown in every conversation
Who is Brandon Novak
This coach is known as the "monopoly man" or the "slum lord" for his ownership of property in St. Joseph
Who is D Wash
This player has never worn shorts above the knees
Who is Tom "Swamp ass" Solar
This player has 24/7 swass and an occasional borderline offensive odor
Who is Ceedee Lamb
This receiver led the Dallas Cowboys in yards last season
Who is Mike Magnuson
This coach could crush a watermelon with his calves
Who is Matty Moore
This player wears extra small football gloves and runs like an angry toddler
Who is Nick "Dick Hairless" Harris
This player looks like he has a mortgage, 3 kids, and a 9 to 5
Who is Kole Heckendorf
This coach is built like Cinnamon from the Apple Jacks commercials
Who is Hanky Spanky Trost
This player is avidly invested in ornithology (birdwatching) and also has a solid barrel
Who is Aaron "Airsyve" Syverson
This player has the diet/food taste of a 6 year old