Fashion | Potent Potables | Please Shut Up! | Potpuri | Music |
Where did Joe get his favorite black skinny jeans?
New Amsterdam
Favorite Gin?
What news aggregation website won't Joe shut up about?
What is Joe's middle name?
How many times has Joe been to Bonnaroo?
A Sundress
What slightly taboo fashion object does Joe long to wear sighting a need for genital breathing?
Centennial IPA
Favorite IPA?
What now defunct online music community won't Joe shut up about?
What color is Joe's jeep?
What instrument did Joe play in grade school (he was pretty good)?
Ripped Green Founders Shirt
What shirt is part of Joe's drinking uniform?
Bush Ligh
What does Joe buy when he wants to have a good time, get drunk, and not spend a lot of money?
What mode of transportation wont Joe shut up about?
When Joe thinks that there are a ton of people there, but in reality it's just him.
In Joe's personal drug slang, what is "stage 5"?
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks
What artist's album is painted on Joe's coffee table?
Complete this phrase: ____ Chic
Crystal Light
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Rick and Morty
What Dan Harmon created cartoon TV show won't Joe shut up about?
Mistaking super glue for eye drops.
What is Joe's irrational fear?
Elliott Smith
What is Joe's favorite artist? He died from two stab wounds to the chest.