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When is May 31, 1431?
On this day, which is now observed as her feast day, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.
Who is King Charles XV?
Divine voices urged Joan of Arc to defend this dauphin of France in the Hundred Years War.
What is leading France to victory at the siege of Orleans?
Divine voices called Joan of Arc to accomplish this crowning (and, eventually, crisping) achievement.
What are ceremonies and prayers?
These are held at church in honour of Joan of Arc on her feast day.
What is the bob?
Joan of Arc was the inspiration for the first woman to sport this avant-garde haircut in 1909.
When is May 16, 1920?
On this day, Joan was canonized in the Catholic church.
Who are St Catherine and St Michael?
These saints came to Joan and encouraged her to lead French troops to victory.
What is Roman Catholicism?
Joan's family devoutly observed this religion.
What is Trinity Sunday?
This holiday is also observed by the Roman Catholic church on Joan’s feast day, and celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
What is "Jesus!"?
Joan of Arc’s last words were this religious proclamation.
When is 1429?
In this year, Joan of Arc led her first successful military conquest.
Who is Renaud de Chartres?
This canon of the Beauvais Cathedral sentenced Joan of Arc to burn at the stake.
What are France, martyrs, and the military?
Joan of Arc is the patron saint of these three virtues/concepts.
What are banners, garlands, and portraits of Joan?
The people of France decorate the streets with these ornaments on her feast day.
What is literacy?
As a result of her social class as a peasant girl, Joan of Arc lacked this key developmental skill.
When is 1909?
Joan of Arc was beatified in this year.
Who is her father, Jacques d’Arc?
This man was purported to "perish of sorrow" following Joan of Arc's burning at the stake.
What is being put on display?
This was done to Joan’s burnt body in the midst of her being burnt at the stake to prove that, despite charges of witchcraft, she did not escape.
What is Fete de Jeanne D’arc?
This week-long festival in Orleans, France, beginning at the last week of April, annually pays tribute to Joan of Arc.
What is Jeanne la Pucelle?
Joan of Arc went by this name during her trials.
When is July 17,1429?
On this day, a significant king's coronation was enabled in Joan of Arc's military service.
Who is Pope Benedict XV?
This pope canonized Joan of Arc in 1920.
What is cancer?
Joan of Arc cured three women of this terminal illness.
What is New Orleans?
This American city commemorates Joan of Arc on May 9th, the date of one of her significant successful military conquests, after which the city was named.
What is the number 70?
Joan of Arc initially had this many charges laid against her, including witchcraft, heresy and dressing in drag, but it was ultimately reduced to 12.