What is your water bottle?
This stays on the floor during any class where tech devices are used.
What is the Afer School Study Hall?
All girls who are not picked up by 4 will be signed into this.
What is the side lawn?
Girls may not eat at this grassy location but they can play there while a teacher is supervising.
What is our mission?
These adjectives are known as our "4 C's." (Confident, capable, creative, compassionate.)
What is the meaning of private body parts exposed, no offensive logos, words or advertisements and no undergarments showing?
These three things are part of JMSG dress code
What is the monthly birthday celebration?
Instead of bringing in your own birthday treats, we celebrate birthdays and provide treats this often?
What is a tardy slip?
A girl must hand this to her teacher if she is late for class, anytime after 8:55.
What is the sport court?
Girls should never eat on or around this area.
What is architecture?
The school's namesake, Julia Morgan, is famous for being a leader in this profession.
What is the green tee shirt?
A girl must wear this on all fieldtrips.
What is the Responsible Use Policy?
This part of the handbook is where you find helpful guidelines for communicating responsibly and respectfully in the online world.
What is the front office or main number?
Parents/Guardians must telephone here by 9:00 am if you are absent or arriving late.
Who is the teacher on lunch duty?
You should ask permission from this person if you need to enter the building during lunch.
What is UC Berkeley?
The namesake (Julia Morgan) of the school was the first woman to receive an engineering degree from this school.
What are black bottoms and white tops?
Girls are required to wear these for special events and school photos.
What is snack time?
We make sure to clean up after this morning brain break?
What is 24 hours?
You are required to stay home for at least this amount of time until free from vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
What are the 6th grade Math & Science and the 6th Grade Spanish/Language Arts classrooms?
If it is raining, eat lunch here!
What is 1996?
What year did the founders of JMSG come together to create an all-girls middle school?
What is a water bottle?
Each girl should bring this type of container for fluids for school everyday.
What is streaming music or videos?
What needs special permission from a teacher and is only for academic reasons only?
What is a planned absence form?
You need to fill out this document before missing a day of school if you know you are going to be absent.
What is a picnic table?
Girls should never stand on this piece of outdoor furniture?
What is Paris?
The school's namesake (Julia Morgan) attended an architecture school in this city?
What is the elevator?
You are not allowed to use this unless you have a note from your parent/guardian requesting that you use it because of illness or injury