Vertebrates and Invertebrates | The Organ System | Electromagnetic Spectrum | Light with matter | Fossils |
What is a vertebrate?
Animals with a backbone.
What is the central nervous system?
Brain & Spinal Cord.
What is matter?
An object with mass and that takes up space.
What is a reflection?
The bouncing back of light rays when it hits an object.
What is a fossil?
Remains of an organism that lived long ago.
What is an invertebrate?
Animals without a backbone.
What is the peripheral nervous system?
All the parts of the nervous system except the brain and spinal cord.
Is white light visible light of all wavelengths combined?
What is transparent light?
Light that you can see clearly through.
What is Amber?
Hardened tree sap.
What is a flexible material made out of cells and protein?
What is a cell specialized to receive and conduct electrical impulses?
What is an electromagnetic wave?
A wave that consists of electric & magnetic fields that vibrate at right angles of each other.
What's a pigment?
Material that gives a substance its color by absorbing some colors of light & reflecting others.
What does an archaeologist do for a living?
Study prehistoric times.
What is any part of the larger structure such as a body of an organism that is set off by natural or arbitrary boundaries?
What is respiration?
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between living cells and their environment.
What is electromagnetic spectrum?
All the frequencies or wave lengths or electromagnetic radiation.
What is chlorophyll?
Pigment of plants that make the plant green.
What is a trace fossil?
Fossilized evidence of animal activity.
What is a circulatory system in which blood circulates through a network of vessels that form a closed loop?
Closed Circulatory System
How much blood does a full grown adult have in them?
Approximately 5L
What is the size of an atom?
0.000000001 nm
The law of reflection states what?
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
What is a third kind of trace fossil?