Previously On - Family School Healing the Sick Breakin' The Law (and Norms) The Good Samaritan
What is a BAT Mitzvah?
A 12 or 13 year old Jewish girl will often go through this coming of age ritual which involves reading from the Torah in a temple.
What is Leprosy
THIS Biblical disease was pointed out by people wearing torn clothes and being called "unclean."
What is working, spending money, etc?
On Shabbat people are supposed to refrain from doing THESE activities.
Who is your neighbor?
Jesus tell us we must love THIS as we love ourselves?
What is 12?
According to stories, there are THIS many tribes of Israel - which is also the same number of sons Isaac had (and the same number of months in the year)!
What is healing the Leper's skin.
Jesus helped the Leper by performing THIS miracle.
Who is The Tax-collector?
People were stunned and outraged when Jesus sat and spoke with THIS man, often thought of as corrupt and evil.
What is Jericho
In the story of the Good Samaritan, a man was traveling from Jerusalem to this town
What is Jerusalem?
THIS city, now the capital city of Israel, is also where the most holy religious Temple could be found long ago.
What is the roof of the house
When there was no more room in the house Jesus was staying in, desperate people cut a hole HERE in order to get their sick friend to Jesus
What is humility / how to be humble?
Jesus washed his disciples' feet to be an example of THIS value.
Who are the priest and the Levite
These two people passed the man on the side of the road before the Samaritan came along.
What is taking Holy Communion?
As second graders, many Interfaith and Christian children participate in THIS sacrament for the first time.
Compassion and Mercy
Jesus believed that THESE morals were more important than written laws.
What are The Ten Commandments?
When Moses went to the top of Mt. Sinai, he received THIS set of important rules.
Who is the Samaritan
This person was the true neighbor to the injured man
What are Christmas and Hanukkah?››
Jews and Catholics usually celebrate these TWO holidays during the month of December.
What is Divine Intervention.
Many Jewish people didn't like Jesus because they thought healing only occurred through THIS.
What is Table Fellowship?
Dining together in someone's house or at their table was a sign of mutual respect and acceptance known as THIS.
This story reminds us that we should be compassionate to this group of people

Jew-sus in His Daily Life.

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