Transfiguration | Transformation | Random Bible |
What is transfiguration about?
Who HE is
What is the transformation about?
Who we are becoming
What day did Jesus rise?
3rd day- Easter
Who is both God and man?
Our transformation through Christ is a change from _____ to _____?
Sinner to Saint
How was John the Baptist killed?
What does transfiguration and transformation both mean?
Who sanctifies us?
Holy Spirit
All but 1 disciple died of old age, who was it?
What was Jesus talking about BEFORE the transfiguration? Read Luke 9:21-23
He must suffer, be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, be killed, and rise on the 3rd day- if anyone comes after him, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily.
Jesus justified us, changing us by taking away our sin and giving us his _________?
God came to Moses through what?
Burning bush
What did Jesus talk about AFTER the transfiguration? Read Luke 9:43-45
All were astonished at majesty of God, but did not understood what he said about "the son of men is about to be delivered into the hands of men" but the people were too afraid to ask what it meant.
In him we are a ___ ______?
New creation
Who was the disastrous girlfriend of Samson?