In Genesis Leaders and Judges The Kings In Exile Family in the Gospels
Who is Noah?
This man built an ark with his seven family members to survive a global flood
What is Jericho?
This fortress of a town is where Rahab was living before it was destroyed
Who is David?
This faithful king and friend of Jehovah was the second over all of Israel - even part of Jerusalem was named after him
What is the governor?
This is the position Zerubbabel held in the group of Israelites returning to their homeland
Who is Joseph?
He adopted Jesus as a son after he found out his wife-to-be was pregnant miraculously
Who is Abraham?
This man faithfully left Ur with his wife, his father, and his nephew to camp in the wilderness
What is Judah?
This tribe, the one Jesus descended from, led the march through the wilderness
Who is Josiah?
He started ruling over Judah at only eight years old and rid the land of idolatry
Who is Jeremiah?
This faithful prophet was used by Jehovah to warn the last five Judean kings of their impending conquering by Babylon, and he continued active into the exile
Who is John the Baptizer?
This "messenger" wore camel-fur clothes like Elijah and ate only insects and honey
Who is Rebekah?
Eliezer found this faithful woman when looking for a wife for his master's son
What is Moab?
Naomi travelled back from this nation with her daughter-in-law Ruth
Who is Hezekiah?
Likely the writer of Psalm 119, this king relied on Jehovah to defend Judah against the Assyrians
Who is Haman?
This evil man's plan to convince the king of Persia to annihilate the Jews threatened the line of the Messiah, but Esther got in his way
What is Boanerges?
Jesus gave this nickname to his cousins James and John, meaning "Sons of Thunder"
Who is Seth?
This early man ended up as progenitor of all of modern humanity after one of his older brothers killed another out of jealousy
Who is Obed?
The neighbor women named him just after his birth at the end of the book of Ruth
Who is Ahab?
This wicked Israelite king and his despicable wife made their way into Jesus' lineage by their daughter, who ruled as Judah's only queen for six years
What is God's holy spirit?
Jehovah told Zerubbabel through Zechariah that he would overcome opposition "not by a military force, nor by power, but by" this
Who is Salome?
She was Jesus' aunt, and she pleaded with him for her sons to have a high-ranking position in God's Kingdom
Who is Leah?
This wife of Jacob was the mother of Jesus' tribe
Who is Nahshon?
This man was a prominent chieftain during the trek in the wilderness - Aaron even married his sister
What is Mount Moriah?
David purchased the threshing floor of Ornan on this tall mountain for Solomon to eventually build the temple on
Who is Jeconiah (Jehoiachin)?
This Judean king was taken captive to Babylon and decades later became friends with Nebuchadnezzar's successor Awil-Marduk
Who is Heli?
Though listed as Joseph's father in the geneological records, this man actually was Mary's father, giving Jesus a lineage back to David both legally and by blood

Jesus' Ancestors

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