Gamers for I pad | Games on wii | X box games |
This game has multiple armies to choose from to attack people
Clash of clans
This game involves a Jedi that's been captured and is working for someone
Star Wars force unleashed
contains people made of blocks but with lots of mini-games p.s Humna hates it
This game is rated e and involves a boy on a journey
This is a game like dragon vale but uses different dragons
Dragon story
This a trilogy to a certain movie I like
Transformers the game
This game is a game usually played on x box and involves a lot of law breaking and street racing
Need For Speed : Most Wanted
It's a game to a game on I pad that involves birds
Angry birds the trilogy
It is a game Humna plays that's girls only and involves cards
This game has a lot of violence and dad does not play it
Mortal kombat