characters story assumptions other
Johnny and Ponyboy stayed out to view the stars and smoke, and Ponyboy fell asleep, making him late. Ponyboy got in trouble with Darry because he arrived home late.
What do Pony and Johnny do instead of going home after the movies, and what is the result?
They go to feast themselves at the Dairy Queen.
Where do they go in Buck‘s car?
He informed them that the guys were on their way to Texas.
How did Dally deceive the cops?
If he had phoned the cops, Ponyboy and Johnny might have been sent to a boys' facility.
When Ponyboy doesn't arrive home until 2:00 a.m., why doesn't Darry call the cops?
The church is on fire, and children are trapped inside.
When they return, what will be going on in the church?
because Johnny went out to obtain the supplies they required h Hhe returned with a large amount of bacon, two loaves of bread, a box of matches, and a paperback copy of Gone with the Wind.
Why is Pony alone when he wakes up? What does Johnny bring with him when he returns?
Darry slapped Ponyboy, which infuriated Ponyboy, so Johnny and Ponyboy bolted.
Why do Ponyboy and Johnny run away?
In a Mustang, five drunken Socs search Greaser territory for the people who "picked up our ladies."
What happens at the park to Ponyboy?
Reading Gone with the Wind and poker. They ate a lot of baloney.
What are their plans for the next few days? What do they eat?
Socs are constantly on the go; they can't be satisfied, and they don't allow their true selves shine through. They believe they are acting "too strongly."
What does Cherry have to say about the Socs to Ponyboy?
He's terrified for his life; they've tried it before and are now on the hunt for him.
Why does Johnny lash out at the Socs in such a violent manner?
They're dragged away to the hospital and hailed as heroes.

What will happen to Ponyboy and Johnny as a result of their deeds?
Cherry Valance
Who is the "spy" Dally was referring to?
Johnny only stabs Bob because he believes his friend is drowning.

Rather than splitting up, the two boys fled on a box vehicle together.

Keep childhood innocence alive. Ponyboy's childhood fantasies of a simpler life in the country have been destroyed, according to this. Just like Dally, shattered dreams lead to hopelessness and hardness.
What is one theme presented in chapter 4
The Soc's money, as well as the danger they pose to greasers, is symbolised by the blue Mustangand ring.
What is the symbolism of the blue mustang and the ring?


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