What is World War I?
The end of this universal war lead to a growth in the development of the Therapeutic Recreation field.
What is Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation?
This systematic process is made up of 4 components.
What is leisure awareness?
This is the process of understanding the value and importance of leisure or play in one's life.
What is leisure?
This concept is defined as the combination of free time, activity and a state of mind.
What are the four targeted domains of TR?
Physical, cognitive, emotional and social.
What is ancient Greece?
This ancient civilization valued leisure above all, which was a daily practice rendered possible due to slavery. They also loved togas.
What is an Assessment?
"[...] is a systematic process of gathering and analyzing selected information about an individual [...]"
What is a functional intervention program?
A program systematically designed with outcomes in mind that are based on client needs and characteristics.
What is deviant leisure?
This concept relates to the dark side of recreation.
What is physical activity?
Increased muscular strength, endurance, maintain and improve motor skills, weight management, stronger bones, hand-eye coordination, better coordination, improve mental health, reduce rick of cardiovascular disease are benefits of this activity.
Who is Florence Nightingale?
This famous British revolutionized the nursing profession in the mist of the Crimean war. She also preached the benefits of introducing recreation to patient care.
What is the Therapeutic Relationship?
This concept is considered the "keystone" in the TR process.
What is Therapeutic Recreation?
A systematic process enabling one with social, physical, emotional or mental limitations to acquire skills and knowledge to allow them to enjoy leisure and bring about favorable changes.
What is family leisure?
This is defined as time spent between parents and children in recreational activities.
What clientele benefits from therapeutic recreation?
Individuals with developmental, mental and physical disabilities are the beneficent.
Who is Joseph Lee?
Born in 1962, this man is known as the Father of the Playground movement.
What is Planning?
This component is where the TR specialist sets priorities of goals, objectives and strategies to monitoring the client's process.
What is leisure?
A freely chosen activity and its accompanying experiences and emotions
What is the classical view of leisure?
This view sees this concept as the highest good geared towards contemplation and contributions to society.
Why is therapeutic recreation important for clients?
Evidence and research supports that people who lead active and satisfying leisure lifestyles, will feel happier and have a greater quality of life.
What is the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association?
This Canadian association of practitioners in the field of Therapeutic Recreation was incorporated in 1996.
What is the TR Process?
This systematic process is considered extremely important in the field of TR
What is leisure lifestyle?
Day to day behavioral expression of one's leisure related attitudes, awareness and activities revealed within context and composite of total life experience.
What is work?
Leisure cannot be mentioned without this opposing concept.
What is a holistic Approach?
The benefits of this perspective included
-Takes the whole person into consideration; -Individualistic programming; -Understands that a person’s well-being is dependent on many factors; -And health is not just the absence of disease; |