Who's Who in Salem | Man versus ...? | Simile or Metaphor? Explain! | Act Four | Character Motivation |
Who is John Proctor?
"powerful of body, even-tempered, and not easily led"
What is external/man vs. man?
Abigail charges murder on Elizabeth using a poppet as evidence
What is metaphor? Elizabeth means that it is John's guilty conscience for his affair that is judging him, not her.
Elizabeth Proctor to John Proctor: "I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. "
What is pressed with stones?
Giles Corey is executed in this manner.
What is the desire to destroy Elizabeth Proctor so she can become John's wife?
Abigail Williams's motivation
Who is Abigail Williams?
“a strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling”
What is external/man vs. man?
Thomas Putnam uses his daughter to set up George Jacobs as a witch so that he can take his land.
What is simile? John means that Mary Warren acts as though she more important and more powerful than others in Salem (like a daughter of royalty).
John Proctor to Elizabeth Proctor: "[Mary Warren] raises up her chin like the daughter of a prince."
What is crumbling, with rotting crops, wandering farm animals, and broken families?
The state of the Salem community at the end.
What is to keep safe from Abigail's manipulative tactics?
Mary Warren's motivation
Who is Mary Warren?
"a subservient, naive, lonely girl"
What is internal/man vs. self?
Elizabeth Proctor must decide whether to lie about her husband's adultery or tell the truth and ruin her husband's reputation.
What is metaphor? Reverend Hale means that he feels responsible for the innocent people who have been hanged for "witchcraft".
Reverend Hale to Judge Danforth: “There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head!”
What is to save the lives of those imprisoned by persuading them to confess?
Reverend Hale's reason for coming back to Salem.
What is maintain his good reputation and save his wife?
John Proctor's motivation
Who is Reverend Parris?
"in his middle forties. In history he cut a villainous path, and there is very little good to be said for him"
What is internal/man vs. self?
John Proctor must choose between saving his life and falsely confessing or saving his reputation and maintaining his honesty.
What is simile? John means that he will do whatever he can in order to save Elizabeth from staying in jail or being hanged.
John Proctor to Elizabeth Proctor: "I will fall like an ocean on the court!"
What is he believes it would be unfair as he has already executed 12 people, and it would reflect poorly on him as the leader?
Danforth's reason for not postponing the executions of those in jail.
What is maintain his power in the community?
Reverend Parris's motivation
Who is Thomas Putnam?
"a well-to-do, hard-handed landowner, near fifty"
What is external/man vs. society?
John Proctor and Giles Corey attempt to persuade the people of Salem that their belief in witchcraft is based on the lies and manipulation of the girls.
What is metaphor? Danforth means that under the pressure of the courts, the truth of the devil will come out.
Judge Danforth to John Proctor: "We burn a hot fire here (in court). It melts down all concealment."
What is she knows that she is old and likely to pass away soon, so she would rather face her death with honesty?
Rebecca's reasoning for NOT confessing to witchcraft at the end.
What is acquire more land, wealth, and power in Salem?
Thomas Putnam's motivation