Birthday in History | Music | Rhyme Time (Name/Nickname + Another Word |
November 23rd – Justin shares this birthday with what little Italian meatball that frequents the Jersey Shore?
Help me Rhonda
Beach Boys track begging another woman to help him get over his past love
Gruber Tuber
Vegetable commonly grow underneath the soil I.e.potatoes(starts with T)
Harriet Tubman
December 6th – This infamous woman known as “The Moses of her People” escapes for the final time. No thanks to Kolcum…
Christine Submarine
Ship that travels mostly underwater
Benedict Arnold
September 23rd – This traitor’s plot against the USA is revealed and he is sentenced to death. Megan Motte is a likely co-conspirator.
April 17th – Did Chris Rickles have a hand in dictator Pol Pot’s final victory to overthrow this Southeast Asian government? One has to ask…
The Warren Commission
September 27th – This group released their report and officially stated that JFK had been killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. With a possible assist from Jordan Wiley.