Differentials | Picture of the Day | Side Effects | Grab Bag | What you don't know.... |
What is PSC Cataract:
*NF2 *steroid induced *Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis |
What is Phenothiazine induced cataract
What are side effects of amiodarone
1.) Corneal Verticillata
2.) Anterior subcapsular opacities |
What is:
1.) 3-5 hours 2.) 4-6 hours 3.) 2 days 4.) 7-14 days
Duration of action of:
1.) phenylephrine 2.) tropicamide 3.) cyclopentolate 4.) atropine |
Who is Sally Ong
This first year did their internship in Framingham, MA
What is Cornea Verticillata:
*Amiodarone *Fabry Disease *indomethacin *Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine *phenothiazines |
What are Metabolic Cataracts:
1.) Snowflake Cataract: Diabetes and Downs 2.) Oil Droplet Cataract: Galactosemia: Inheritance 3.) Christmas Treet Cataract: Myotonic Dystrophy and hypoparathyroidism: Inheritance? 4.) Sunflower: Wilsons Disease: Inheritance? |
What are side effects of pilocarpine
1.) brow ache
2.) increased salivation 3.) retinal tear, induced myopia and accomodation |
What is:
Dexamethasone (strongest) Prednisolone Loteprednol FML Hydrocortisone (weakest)
Relative strength of topical steroids
1.) hydrocortisone 2.) loteprednol 3.) Prednisolone 4.) dexamethasone 5.) FML |
Who is Andrew Lee
This resident's uncle is a veterinary ophthalmologist
What is Lenticonus:
A. Anterior (marked convexity of the anterior lens): Rule out Alport's syndrome (hereditary nephritis, deafness) *Inheritance? B. Posterior (marked concavity of the posterior lens surface): Usually idiopathic; may be associated |
What is the double ring sign, optic nerve hypoplasia
Associated with De Morsier Syndrome Nystagmus absent septum pellucidum May have deficiency of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones What is the workup?
Associated with what syndrome?
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What are side effects of prostaglandin analogs
1.) Increases melanosomes
2.) CME 3.) hypertrichiasis |
1.) What is phacoantigenic glaucoma
KP? Treatment? 2.) What is phacolytic glaucoma. KP? Treatment?
1.) Autoimmunity to lens antigens from disrupted lens capsule can lead to this
2.) Hypermature cataract with lens proteins leak across an intact lens capsule can lead to this |
Who is Duncan Berry
This resident was born with a club foot
What is ectopia Lentis: Describe the syndromes.
1.) marfan Syndrome: 2.) homocystinuria 3.) Cystinosis 4.) Sulfit Oxidase Deficiency 5.) Hyperlysinemia 6.) Weil-Marchesani 7.) Ectopia Lentis et Pupillae 8.) Ehlers-Danlos |
What is Fuchs Heterochromic iridocyclitis
Usually no treatment - doesn't respond to steroids. *Underlying infectious etiology?
What is the treatment?
What is a side effect of pilocarpine, topiramate, hydrochlorothiazide, sulfa and chlorthalidone
Induced Myopia
What is microspherophakia:
Faulty development of the secondary lens fibers during embryogenesis. *What is the syndrome? *Why do we treat pupillary block with cycloplegics?
What is the underlying embryologic pathogenesis?
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Who is Michelle Kim
This resident loves karaoke
What is:
1.) Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis 2.) Herpetic uveitis 3.) Posner Schlussmann Syndrome 4.) Sarcoidosis uveitis
Uveitis with elevated IOP
what is aniridia:
WAGR syndrome: wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary abnormalities and mental retardation Workup: abdominal imaging *What percent develop glaucoma?
What is the workup?
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What is a side effect of topical corticosteroids -leading to increased IOP
Increased expression of extracellular matrix protein fibronectin, polymerized glycosaminoglycans, and elastin
What is Surge
Phenomenon that occurs in cataract surgery when vacuum has built up because of an occlusion which is suddenly broken, leading to fluid in the higher pressure anterior chamber rushing towards the phaco tip
Who is Sally Ong
This resident's father is one of 12 children
Lebers congenital amaurosis
Congenital stationary night blindness Congenital achromatopsia Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Optic Neuritis Dominant Optic Atrophy Rare: amblyopia/strabismus Cone dystrophy Paradoxical Pupils