Civil War | Dividing Fractions | Parts of Speech | Union & Confederacy | Weather |
What is passengers
People who traveled on the Underground Railroad
What is 3/4 's
1./2 divided by 2/3
What is an adjective.
The (pretty)
brown dog was walking beside the road. |
What is the President of the Confederacy.
Jefferson Davis
What is the basic cause of all weather.
What is the Battle of Bull Run
The first major battle in the Civil War
What is 2 & 4/5's
4/5 divided by 2/7
What is a noun.
The football (team) won the game on Friday night.
What is the leader of the Confederate Army.
Robert E. Lee
What is the imaginary line running through the earth from the North Pole to the South Pole
What is the Battle of Gettysburg
The bloodiest battle ever fought in North America
What is 1 and 1/9
5/6 divided by 3/4
What is a verb.
The car ( skidded) off the road.
What is the three part plan to squeeze the life out of the Confederacy.
Anaconda Plan
What is the imaginary line circling the earth midway between the North Pole and the South Pole.
What is the place where Lee surrendered to Grant
Appomattox, Virginia
What is 14
8 divided by 3/4
What is an adverb.
The bird sang (softly) in the trees.
What is the plan where the Union forces marched troops across the south destroying anything of value and terrorizing the South.
Sherman's March
What is the three major wind systems
trade winds, prevailing westerlies, and polar easterlies
What is the what the Southerners called Northerners who moved to the South to start businesses after the Civil War
What is1/7
5/7 divided by 5
What is a preposition.
The little boy ran (behind) the barn.
What is the amendment that abolished slavery.
13th amendment
What is the wind system where the most changeable weather occurs.
prevailing westerlies