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What is Acute pain is experienced by normal, intact subjects due to impulses carried over these fibers.
C-fibers and A-delta fibers
What is Nociceptive neurons respond in this way to injury and inflammation.
Often respond to two types of stimuli (e.g., heat or pressure) and may be sensitized by inflammation
What is The primary central nervous system receptor involved in chronic pain.
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
What is Norepinephrine and the Autonomic Nervous System.
Sympathetic Division
What is A non-specific effect of an intervention attributable to its symbolic significance or the overall context of the intervention.
Placebo Effect
What is One the way to the sensory cortex, all somatosensory information travels through this portion of the brain.
What is This differentiates Nociception from pain.
Pain requires consciousness because it is an experience
What is Central sensitization occurs primarily in this region of the central nervous system.
The dorsal horn of the spinal cord
What is An emotional response to pain that causes physiological and psychological dysfunction.
What is Natural history of the condition being studied, regression to the mean, placebo effect and chance in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
The Control Group
What is The involuntary motor portion of the nervous system involved with body homeostasis.
Autonomic nervous system
What is An increased response to a stimulus that is usually noxious.
What is The central nervous system nociceptive neuron that responds to low level stimuli as well as intermediate and high level (noxious) stimuli.
Second order wide dynamic range (WDR) nociceptive neurons
What is A stress response to chronic pain can alter these.
Behaviors and activities – mood, sleep, emotion, appetite, pleasurable activity
What is not predictable in a study utilizing placebos
The individual’s response
What is These peripheral organs mediate stretch and force on muscles and tendons.
Golgi tendon and muscle spindles
What is Allodynia
The perception of pain evoked by a stimulus that is normally not painful
What is The brain stem area most active in the descending pain modulatory system.
Periacquaductal Grey Area
What is A prolonged stress response in a person with low back pain may cause this.
Increased muscular tension, hyperactivity and increased pain
What is Yin-yang symbolic qualities.
Heat-passiveness and cold-tranquility
What is The nervous system has this primary excitatory neurotransmitter.
What is The ability of the nervous system to learn and set down memory.
What is Activation of the peripheral nociceptors that causes release of inflammatory cytokines in response to injury.
Peripheral Neurogenic Inflammatory Sensitization
What is The neuroendocrine response of the adrenal gland to pain and stress.
high levels of cortisol
What is very difficult to perform and interpret in a clinical study of acupuncture.
The sham effect