Low Volatility Equities |
What is the objective of Low Volatility Equities?
(any of these is correct)
- Produce superior risk-adjusted returns - Reduce equity volatility - Improve total portfolio risk/return - Improve downside protection |
Is the focus of a low volatility portfolio on absolute or relative return?
- Focus is on absolute return (not focused on beating a traditional equity
benchmark) |
What is one key benefit to low volatility equities? (any of these is correct)
- Lower equity risk
- Lower total portfolio risk - Allow for a higher allocation to other risky assets within the same risk budget |
What is the main challenge to investing in low volatility equities?
- Low volatility equities can significantly underperform traditional equities during
some ‘up’ markets. |
Name one of the things you might consider prior to implementation of low volatility
equities (any of these is correct)
1. Should you ask your provider to incorporate Low Volatility within your Target
Date / Balanced Fund? 2. Consider the risk profile of your members. (Should your a la carte lineup include a Low Volatility Equity solution?) 3. Do you have the needed commun |