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What are ecosystem services?
Ecological features and processes that provide benefits to humans
What is sustainability?
the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance
What is overharvesting?
When the extraction/harvest of individuals in a population decreases at a rate faster than the population can be replenished/repopulated.
What are permits?
The Clean Water Act requires polluters to acquire these for point source pollution
What is an externality?
The costs or impact of a good or service on people and the environment not included in the economic price of that good or service
What are Regulating ecosystem services?
Water purification and erosion control are examples of these?
What is ecological debt?
When a nation or individual's consumption footprint exceeds their portion of global biocapacity.
What is a genetic bottleneck?
When the genetic diversity of a population is severely reduced due to a random decrease in the population size?
What is the ESA?
Section 9 of this act prohibits the "take" of any species listed as T or E
What is the Willingness to Pay method?
A means by which we can infer the monetary value of an ecosystem service not reflected in a current economic market.
What are Cultural ecosystem services?
Back country skiing in the White Mountains is an example of these?
What is biocapacity?
The capacity of ecosystems to produce useful biological materials and to absorb waste materials generated by humans, using current management schemes and extraction technologies.
What is Habitat Fragmentation?
A continuous area of habitat broken into pieces - this process involves the outright loss of area and disturbed function throughout the remaining area
What is NEPA?
This Act, passed in 1969, mandates the assessment of all Federal Projects; this includes environmental impact assessments and public comment periods
What is community-based social marketing?
A means by which we use human psychology and marketing strategies to shift human behavior
What is a provisioning service? (you could also specifically say food production)
A dramatic increase in this ecosystem service is/was needed to fulfill the dietary requirements of a growing human population.
What are the two root factors influencing sustainability?
Population and Consumption
What is the Nile perch?
This non-native species was introduced into Lake Victoria and caused a trophic cascade.
What is Any U.S. Citizen?
Species can be proposed for listing as endangered or threatened species by these people
What is the Tragedy of the Commons?
The tendency of limited resources to become depleted because people act from self-interest for personal gain
What is flood control? (can also stay stormwater management, stream temperature, water purification - should be stated as an ecosystem service, not a parameter).
An increase in impervious surface will directly impact this regulating ecosystem service.
What are global hectares (or acres) per capita?
The standardized metric used to measure ecological footprints and biocapacity.
What is Bioaccumulation?
Contaminant concentrations that increased in a given individual over time is referred to as this
What are: Develop Recovery Plan and Designate Critical Habitat?
Upon listing as a T or E species, the service is required to do these 2 things
What is 1) The polluter pays principle, 2) taxes, 3)cap and trade markets
A means by which we can adjust the price of a good/service to better reflect the true social and environmental costs.