Ordering Fractions and Mixed Numbers | Adding Fractions | Subtracting Fractions | Multiplying Fractions | Dividing Fractions and Decimals |
What is the greater fraction in this pair: 1/2, 2/5.
Same denominator: Add the numerators.
Different denominator: Find and use a common denominator, and then add the numerators.
What is the method used for adding a fraction with the same denominator? Adding fractions that do not have the same denominator?
Subtract 4/5 - 3/10. Reduce to simplest form.
Multiply 4/7 * 2/5
Divide 3/4 by 5/6.
3/2, 8/5, 5/3
What is the correct order of these fractions from least to greatest: 8/5, 3/2, 5/3.
3 13/30
What is 8/5 + 11/6 in simplest form?
Method 1: Subtract the whole numbers and the fractions separately
Method 2: Change both fractions to improper fractions, then subtract.
What are the two methods for subtracting mixed numbers?
Find the product of 3/4 * 4/3
2 1/3 or 7/3
Use common denominators to find the following quotient: 7/12 divided by 1/4.
1 9/10, 2 1/4, 3 2/3
What is the mixed number of the following fractions: 10/19, 11/3, 9/4.
7 7/12
What is 3 1/3 + 4 1/4?
Subtract 17/10 - 5/6.
Paula has 7/8 of a tank gas. She estimates she will use 2/3 of the gas to get home. What fraction of a tank of gas does she use?
1 5/28
Divide 2 3/4 by 2 1/3.
What is the fraction that is halfway between this pair of numbers: 3/2 and 2.
Is the following fraction written as a sum of two unit fractions: 5/12 = 1/3 + 1/4.
2 11/20
Subtract the following: 3 3/4 - 1 1/5.
Multiply the following: 2 1/4 * 3 2/5
Write the decimal 0.765 as a fraction in simplest form.
919 / 999
What is the greater fraction in this pair: 91 919 / 99 999
or 919 / 999. How do you know? |
1/2 + 1/5
Write the following fraction as a sum of two different unit fractions: 7/10.
12 books
One-half of the science books in Kevin's backpack are novels. He also has 3 science books, 2 history books, and 1 geography book. How many books are in Kevin's backpack?
Amar baked a cake. John ate 1/6 of the cake. Susan ate 1/5 of what was left. Chan ate 1/4 of what was left after that. Cindy ate 1/3 of what was left after that. Luigi ate 1/2 of what was left after that. How much of the original cake was left?
Divide 0.488 by 0.4.