Learning Resources | MDC | MDC Acronym |
What is Learning Resources?
Department that provides stimulating learning environments and enhances the classroom experience through a variety of services
What is 7?
number of MDC campuses
What is SACS?
Paul Revere said: " The British are coming..." At MDC we say: " ______ is coming in October."
What is 510?
The amount of Libguides currently published by Learning Resources at MDC.
What is UPP (yeah... you know me!!! you down with upp!
Naughty by Nature famous song in 1992, but at MDC
What is 13?
The number of college-wide academic labs under Learning Resources (including CCYs).
What is FTIC?
description of students who have not attended college prior to attending MDC.
When is SACS coming to visit MDC?
October 21-24, 2014 - Important Event
What is IEP?
Individualized Educational Plan which maps an appropriate choice of courses based on the student's academic performance
What is 81?
The number of full-time Learning Resources employees, college-wide.
What is CASSC?
College Academic and Student Support Council