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What is an example of alliteration?
Peter Piper Pizza
What is an example of simile?
He danced like a butterfly.
What are some examples of onomatopoeia?
“WOW” & “BOOM”
What is an example of foreshadowing?
A teenage girl leaves the house for an evening out with her friends. Her mother makes her promise to be back before midnight. The girl kisses her mother and tells her she worries too much. She'll be fine, she says.
What is an example of repetition?
A horse is a horse, of course, of course.
What is an example of metaphor?
The snow is a white blanket.
What is an example of a hyperbole?
I’m so hungry I could eat the world.
What is an example of personification?
Where the ocean kissed the southern shore.
What is an example of consonance?
Dawn goes down
What is an example of allusion?
Hey! Guess who the new Newton of our school is?
What is an example of a paradox?
The beginning of the end.
What is an example of imagery?
The pizza was covered in tomatoes. It had tons of layers of white cheese, and the oregano smell could be sniffed.
What is an example of assonance?
Men sell the wedding bells.
What is an example of symbol?
A white dove arrived to a town.
What is an example of an oxymoron?
Wise fool.
What is an example of allusion?
I thought the software would be useful, but it was a Trojan Horse.