Tubes & Additivies | Order of Draw | Diseases & Infection Control | Safety First! | Legal Issues |
Lavender (EDTA)
What color tube do you use to draw a Complete Blood Count (CBC)? And what is it's Additive?
Light Blue, Green, Lavender
What order of draw would you use if the Dr. ordered CBC, PT/INR, Peak & Trough using the Evaluated tube system! Straight needle
HBV Vaccination
What is the best defense against HBV infection?
What is OSHA?
Safe working conditions are mandated by:
Improper or unskilled care of a patient by a member of the healthcare team is called?
Light Blue / Sodium Citrate
What color tube do you use to draw for PT/INR? And What is it's additive?
Yellow (SPS) followed by Lavender
What order of draw would you use if the Dr. ordered Blood cultures & CBC (complete blood count)?
15 Min then report to ER
In the event of a chemical splash to the eyes; How long should you flush your eyes with water?
Shut off the electrical power source
In the event of a electrical shock to a patient or employee; What is the first thing you should do?
A violation of a duty to exercise reasonable skill and care in performing a task is called?
Gray Top Tube
What tube top color has Potassium Oxalate & Sodium Fluoride in it?
Red followed by Lavender
What order of draw to you follow if the Dr. ordered CMP (Complete metabolic Panel) & CBC? (Complete Blood Count)
Hand washing
What is the first and last step of isolation procedures?
Wash area with soap & water for at least 30 seconds
What is the proper procedure to follow after you have had a accidental finger stick?
Standard of Care
A case where a patient has been injured due to blood collection, the term is used to describe what a reasonably prudent person would do under similar circumstances is called?
Green / Heparin
What color tube is used to draw a peak & trough levels? What is it's additive?
Tiger top or Yellow (SST) , Lavender, Gray, followed by royal Blue
Name the order of draw for these tests: lead, BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel), GTT & HGB A1C
Shielding, distance & Time
What are the major principles of self-protection from radiation exposure?
Which government agency oversees moderate diseases that have developed into a epidemic?
Assault & Battery
A patient that is restrained and forced to have blood drawn against their will could be charged with what?
Yellow /SPS
What color top tube is used to draw for a Blood Culture specimen? What is it's additive?Yellow /SPS sodium
Green followed by Gray
What order of draw would you follow if DR. orders STAT labs for Renal, BMP, & Alcohol test?
A infection acquired while in the hospital
What does nosocomial mean?
Class A, B, C, D and K. (pg 90)
The National Fire Protection Association classifies fires into theses 5 classes.
Respondent superior or Vicarious liability
A Act of holding the employer liability for employee's negligent act to a patient is called?