History | Politics | Netflix series | Celebrities | Songs |
What year was Estonia independence?
Keit Pentus-Rosimannus.
Who is Minister of Finance of Estonia?
6 seasons.
How many seasons are in Lucifer?
North West, Chicago West, Psalm West, Saint West.
What is Kim Kardashian`s children names?
What is Cardi B most listened song?
Alar Karis.
Who is Estonia president?
How old is Queen Elizabeth II?
What is the Netflix releasing year?
How old is Bella Hadid?
Shape of You.
What is most-streamed song?
In what year did the "Talvesõda" take place?
Monarchy, democracy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism
.What are the 4 types of politics?
32 episodes.
How many episodes are in Elite?
What year Hailey Bieber and Justin Bieber get married?
What is this song name?
Promiscuous girl, wherever you are I'm all alone, and it's you that I want |
Kui Arno oma isaga koolimajja jõudis, olid tunnid juba alanud...
What was the first sentense in "Kevade" book?
Konstatin Päts.
Who was first Prime minister of estonia?
Michele Morrone
Who is the main character in 365 days?(man)
40 million dollars.
What is Cardi B net worth?
People Need Love.
What is ABBA first song?
Christopher Columbus.
Who Discovered America?
Boris Johnson.
Who is Prime minister of UK?
Bella Ciao.
What is Money Heist main song?
Because they wanted her to be free and to be able leave house without protection.
Why Britney Spears fans started protest for "Free Britney"?
Male Fantasy.
What was Billie Eilish latest song?