Let's Booze It Up! Tasty Business Game Stop Structural Idioms More Than One Meaning
What is Rum ?
A Havana cocktail is pineapple juice, lemon juice & of course, an ounce of this light spirit
What is a McIntosh ?
Developer Jef Raskin loved this type of apple so much he named an Apple computer after one
What is Checkmate?
This winning declaration in a chess game is from the Arabic for "the king is dead"
What is 'Over the counter' ?
Nonprescription is synonymous with this 3-word phrase
What is a Crane?
A wading bird, or a machine with a hoisting arm at a construction site
What is a Fuzzy Navel ?
You'll get a bit "fuzzy" if you have too many of this drink that combines peach schnapps & orange juice
What is BlackBerry?
BB is the stock symbol of this company that today is more into cybersecurity than devices
What is 10 minutes?
In the NFL regular season, overtime games end after nobody scores in the period that's this many minutes long
What is 'Hold Your Horses'
Phrase meaning 'Be Patient'. Referring to a certain Barn Yard animal
What is a rose?
Got up from the bed, or a prickly flower
What is a Black Russian ?
This cocktail, is vodka & Kahlua, without the light cream that would change its color & name
What is Banana Republic ?
Makes sense: BR Standard is a fashion line from this tasty sounding store
What is Baseball ?
"Walk-off" began as a term for a play that ends a game in this sport
What is a 'table'?
If you "come to" this, you're ready to talk; however, if a subject is "off" it, it is no longer acceptable to discuss
What is a feed?
To provide food to, or a live video signal
What is a Boilermaker?
Also called the 'Texas Two-Step', this American created drink containing whiskey & beer was famous amongst miners since 1806!
What is Wasabi ?
Named for a green sushi condiment, this company calls itself "the world's hottest cloud storage"
What is Monopoly?
The bank cannot go broke in this Parker Brothers game, so exhaustion may be the deciding factor
What is 'Blow The Roof Off'?
A hyperbolic expression says a noisy disturbance reaches such a pitch it could do this, right off the house
What is a pin?
An object found in groups at certain alleys, or a brooch
What is Beef Eater ?
The website of this gin brand shows "How we do it in London. The definitive B & T"
What is Chipotle ?
This restaurant chain says the only ingredient it uses that's hard to pronounce is the pepper in its name
What is Gin Rummy?
A hand in this card game with 2 alcoholic spirits in its name comes to a halt after a player "knocks"
What is 'Water Under The Bridge'?
This "aqueous" phrase means a problem is in the past & doesn't worry you anymore
What is Mint?
A candy flavor, or a place that manufactures money

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