Atten"TION" Please! Beep! Halftime! Americas Tech-know-logy Math Madness
What is evaporation?
This is the process in which water vaporizes.
Who is Michael Jordan?
He is a famous basketball player who’s jersey number is 23.
What are golden poppies?
These are California’s state flowers.
What is a mouse?
I always get trapped in your home, unless I am attached to your computer.
What is Volume?
This is a word that means the amount of space taken up in a 3D figure.
What is an infection?
You have to stay home when you have a bad cold & cough, because you don't want to spread this.
What is shortstop?
Derek Jeter plays in this position.
What is Pennsylvania?
This state is home to American confectioner Milton S. Hershey.
What is Gmail?
This is a google messaging center where you can communicate.
What is 4?
This is the only number that has the same result when divided by 2, when it is subtracted by two.
What is a fraction?
This is a numerical value that is not a whole number.
What is Grandmaster?
Daily Double: This is the greatest title you can earn in chess.
What is the Evergreen State?
Because of the abundant trees and bushes, the state of Washington has this as its nickname.
What is haiku deck?
This is an app in which you can write in slides.(Hint: It sounds Japanese.)
What is hypotenuse?
This is know as the longest "leg" of a right triangle.
What is graduation?
Receiving or conferring of an academic degree or diploma.
What is Tennis?
In this game, a tied score of 40 all is known as a deuce.
What is Rhode Island?
Nicknamed the “Ocean State”, this state is the smallest in the nation.
What is a cookie?
This is something you must eat carefully, otherwise people can see you on the internet.
What id 6?
This is the length of a cube in which the surface area and volume are equal.
What is culmination?
This is the highest or climatic point of something.
What is zone defense?
In this scheme, each defensive player is given his area to guard and not a man-to-man defense.
What is Delaware?
Daily Double: This is the first state that was officially admitted into statehood on December 7, 1787.
What is Forbidden?
This is a nine-letter word you will see in Error 403.
What is Pi?
Daily Double: This is an irrational number that can be found by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.

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