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What is the total charitable contributions by Americans in 2014?
$456.73 billion
What is the source of most charitable giving in the U.S.?
What is fundraising to board members?
Privilege, responsibility, and ministry
What is the amount of charitable giving by the average American household in 2013?
What is at the heart of a successful fundraising program?
What is the most valuable gift that the board gives to an organization?
Good governance
What is the percentage of the total charitable giving pie that went to religious causes in 2013?
31 percent
What is the "premium" that donors most want from the causes they support?
What is the expectation of board giving?
100 percent participation
What is the preferred way to make a gift for Millennials?
What are the two most important words in a fundraiser's vocabulary?
Thank you
What is the expectation of the individual board members' giving to the organization?
Significant and sacrificial