Things that will be really embarrassing if you get wrong | Things that will be really impressive if you get right | Do it for the vine | North Campus | South Campus |
How long is 1 year
How long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun (in years).
What is 27
The number of amendments in the American constitution.
What is a potato.
A ____ flew around my room.
Who is Ivan Pavlov.
The guy who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell.
Who is Gregor Mendel.
The guy who bred pea plants at a monastery.
When is 1776
The year that the Declaration of Independence was signed.
What is 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
The temperature at which water boils? (in Fahrenheit)
What are white vans
Damn Daniel, back at it again with the ____ ____
What is 435 people.
The number of people in the House of Representatives.
What is Proxima Centauri.
The closest star to Earth, not including the sun.
What is Russia
The largest country in the world (by land mass)?
Who is the Speaker of the House (of Representatives)
If the president and vice president both die, the person in this position becomes president.
What is road work
___ ____ ahead? I sure hope it does!
What is a collectivist culture.
The type of culture that prioritizes the group over the individual (the opposite of an individualist culture).
What is the Ionosphere.
The layer of the atmosphere in which the high concentration of ions and free electrons is able to reflect radio waves
Who is FDR
The president during the majority of WWII.
What are Danes
The people from Denmark are called this.
What is a Croissant.
Stooooop, I could've dropped my _____ !
The major white matter pathway that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
What is U (Uracil).
The nucleotide only found in RNA (and not DNA).
What is 50 cents.
If eggs are 12 cents a dozen, how much do 50 eggs cost?
What is J or Q.
One letter that never appears on the periodic table. Two acceptable answers.
What is Tortilla.
Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane _____ !
What is Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis or Linguistic Relativity/Determinism.
The linguistic principle that suggests the language you speak determines how you think/shapes your cognition.
What is 10 (5 orbitals x 2 electrons per orbital).
The maximum number of electrons held in the d sub level of an atom.