Ainsley | Payton | Demi | Sammy | Cidra |
ding dum hurt it at the pool like a silly goose
What happened to Ainsley's foot a few years back
Play mobile
What toy of Paytons was always fought over
Smokey Lake
Demi liked someone from another town, which town.
To not wear pink for a certain amount of time
What was Sammy challenged that involved her and her outfits in grade 5
Grade 7
When were Sammy and Cidra twins for twin day
During parent viewing at dance in second grade what funny thing did Ainsley always do
A magnetic bracelet
What did Payton own that Mr.B was obsessed with
Mr. Pruden
What teacher in Grade 9 and on going makes Demi mad
An apple
What did Sammy throw at Paytons leg in middle school
Grade 7
What grade did cidra dance
In mine and Ainsleys Aztec video what instrument was she playing
dodo bird
Payton used to pretend to be a certain animal, what was it
fall down the stairs
What dumb thing did Demi used to always do in middle school
5 years
At what age did Sammy stop wearing a brace
Tire thingys and then the platform by the bridge
Where did Cidra take shelter from the coyote
In the second grade what did Ainsley puke out beside her desk
A scene from an imovie we were making
What made Payton pee herself that time in the trailer
i 5.4 Triton, hehe (thx drew)
What kind of truck does demi have
Who, of everyone we know, did Sammy nearly puke on in 3rd grade
fake ugly haircut
What funny prank did Cidra pull on her family on the band trip
May of 2020
What month and year did Ainsley post her first tiktok
orange pop
What drink used to make Payton go crazy
kind of bluey tealy greenish
kind of bluey tealy What colour was Demis phone case in grade 9
Trick question its should be how often doesnt she fart
How often does Sammy fart
Grade 7
What was one of the last grades that Cidra was considered to be tall